Virtual Classroom Rewards

With regard to motivating our children to assist in their learning and growth, badges in the classroom play a similar purpose to many of the prizes that we received as young learners in elementary schools. Badges can be implemented in your college classroom as a motivational tool in a relatively simplified manner and with little or no cost to you personally or to your institution.

H2: Badges and Rewards: Motivating Learning in a virtual classroom

In the classroom, badges can be used for a variety of purposes. First and foremost, they serve as a means of rewarding students for their efforts by presenting them with a token of their success. As a second benefit, badges inspire students to collaborate, cooperate, and compete with one another in the classroom, as students encourage one another and strive to obtain various badges. As a third benefit, badges can be used by teachers to help them identify specific strengths and weaknesses among their students and other areas that require improvement in the classroom. As a motivational tool, badges can be attached to a grade or class project, or they can be used more loosely.

Motivation and learning

Badges have been successfully utilised to define goals, stimulate behaviours, symbolise accomplishments and convey success in numerous contexts. Badges can have a big impact, as they can be used to promote learning, represent a sense of belonging to a community, and mark achievement.

Insignias or Badges

A badge carries with it a particular cachet in the eyes of the general public. Because of this, the badge is the most recognisable feature of the uniform. Acquiring new talents is recognised and rewarded. They may encourage members and students to learn new talents. Finding out what you’re strong at and communicating that to others might be a challenge.

When it comes to creating and submitting a CV, many students believe they’re not confident in their abilities, which is why so many employers reject young applicants because they can’t communicate their abilities. Your achievements and skill sets can be documented using digital badges because they serve as a record of your progress.

Badges in education

For educational purposes, digital badges serve as reliable indicators of an individual’s achievements, abilities, and interests. In this article, we’ll cover the benefits and mechanisms of using digital badges in education. The use of digital badges has grown tremendously in recent years. In a manner, they’ve flipped the kids’ perception of learning and assessment.  Badging in the classroom has the potential to be a useful learning tool and help instructors achieve these goals: to:

1) Deepen student learning

2) Drive content

3) Recognise and reward students for their participation in the course.

4) Foster a collaborative learning environment.

5) Enhance student interaction and recognition.

6) Encourage student competition to earn badges in a cooperative and encouraging manner

7) Provide students with immediate feedback, which students desire from both their teachers and their peers.

Badging can also be used outside of the classroom, allowing students to link their badges to their social media profiles on sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. If your goal of using badges in the classroom coincides with the aforementioned criteria, you may want to give them a try.

Use of badges in the classroom

  • Individually and collectively, badges motivate students to work on specific skill sets and competences.
  • They provide evidence of a completed activity and the information gained via the performance of that task to improve a resume, portfolio, or e-Portfolio.
  • Use an open badge system to encourage students to update and resubmit their work in order to achieve better results by focusing their learning on specific objectives.
  • Set up an environment where students can study in a way that focuses and encourages them to put their newly acquired knowledge into practise.
  • The badges are subject-driven, so they help students better understand the course’s objectives and content.
  • To help students learn and share what they’ve learned in a public arena, such as Mozilla’s open badge platform, a class blog, a class website, or another social networking tool and to help students learn and share what they’ve learned in the classroom.
  • Students can engage in friendly competition with one another in a non-threatening environment, making learning more enjoyable for everyone.

How can we wear badges in a virtual classroom?

Find out if and how your college or university uses any kind of badging technology. Check to see whether your institution has a preferred technology for using badges, or if there are current resources you may utilise instead. Consider Mozilla’s Open Badge platform if you don’t have much money or resources to work with.

Decide how and why you want to make use of badges before you start creating them. Identify ideal student behaviours in the classroom by speaking with your co-workers and other key stakeholders.

To get started, create a basic badge. There should be no ambiguity in the badge’s design. For badge-creation, the Mozilla Open Badge framework has a lot of the tools you need. Make use of images that can be readily added to classroom announcements, discussion boards, or within a shared classroom site like a blog, Wiki, Facebook page, website or classroom RSS feed if you choose to build your own badges.

In your classroom, set the standards for badges. Consider if badges will be linked to grades before you begin. Is there going to be a grading system for badges? How many levels (such as “Rock Star,” “Proficiency,” and “Needs Improvement”) will there be? There are a lot of questions about how badges will be used in the classroom. If a badge is linked to a grade or level, can students change their submission to achieve a “better” grade?

Specify how badges will be distributed. The badge will be handed out by the teacher. Is a learning management system capable of automatically generating badges? Is it possible for students to share their badges? These are some important questions that need to be answered.

1. Badges for completing certain tasks

A learner can’t be expected to learn unless he or she is explicitly educated about the learning objectives and aims. Students benefit from having a clear sense of what they will learn and why.  The greatest strategy to help students recall their learning objectives is to keep them prominently posted throughout the classroom. Associating ratings from 1 to 5 allows pupils to track their progress toward their desired outcome. For each point on the scale, you can link a digital badge to a reward.

2. Badges to reinforce effort or reduce fear of failure

Another purpose of the badges can be to reduce the fear of failure. The fear of failure among the students can be reduced by these type of badges. It can provide the students assurance that wining and failing is the part of the process and one should not take it very seriously.

3. Badges of social recognition

Learning and performance improve naturally when one’s work is appreciated, one’s contributions to the team’s success are recognised, and one’s achievements are recognised and reward .The use of digital badges in the classroom allows teachers to recognise and reward their pupils’ achievements. Successes that are linked to learning, positive behaviour, hard work and so on are all examples of these kinds of achievements.

The ideal way to use online badges is to provide them to students who are having difficulty achieving their academic goals. You need to pay attention to even the tiniest of efforts and appreciate even the tiniest of gains. As a result, they’ll be more motivated to learn, and you’ll create a more positive atmosphere by making your sessions more inclusive.

4. Penalty badges that invite you to continue to the end

Badges can also be used in form of Penalty badges. The purpose of these badges is to motivate you to continue to the end of the mission or game that is been played. This type of badges have a special place among the different badges that are used in the education process.

Controversy in the use of badges

Along with the various advantages of the badges, they can create certain controversies as well. Students may argue that why a particular badge was not given to him / her. They may argue about why the badges are assigned in a specific patterns.

Online apps to create badges


Creating a badge logo is easy with Canva’s badge logo builder. Along with creating badges for education you can create an outstanding badge logo that best represents your brand, whether you’re starting a new bakery business or finally entering the fashion industry.


Makebadges is another important tool that can be used to design attractive badges. The process of making the badges in this software tool is very simple. Also you can add various add-ons to the badges that you have designed in this tool.

Open Badge Designer

If you want to design very attractive badges you should use the Open Badge Designer software. This particular software is comprised of easy to use command that can be used to design the badges in a very streamlined way.


A digital badge is a way of recognising learning that takes place outside of a formal educational setting. The achievement, skill, or abilities achieved in online learning settings are recognised by digital badges. The most important conclusion is that badges allow students to demonstrate their mastery of a set of abilities while also allowing professors to spend more face time with students, both of which contribute to student engagement.

As a result of earning badges, you can show off all of your abilities, not just those taught in the classroom. All your life you’ve been taking dance classes, volunteering, or participating in school-sponsored activities. It can be tough to demonstrate or even explain the talents you’ve gained while engaging in these activities. These extracurricular pursuits and abilities aren’t typically documented in school records, and they aren’t required for advancement beyond high school. As a workaround, digital badges are available. They can cover a wide range of topics and give you a simple way to demonstrate your knowledge outside of the classroom.
