

ヨーロッパには他に類を見ないほど多様な文化があります。国の数の多さとその長い歴史は、特に学生にとって、この地域を横断する旅を非常に実りあるものにしてくれるが、同時に大きな問題も引き起こす。大学や教育制度がこれほどまでに異なる中で、異なる地域で修了した学業をどのように比較すればよいのだろうか。そのため、欧州単位認定機構(European Credit ... もっと読む



Studying abroad offers many advantages to students regardless of their area of interest. Beyond the prospect of gaining academic credentials from some of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the world, there is the opportunity to experience varied cultures and begin building an international network of contacts that could be invaluable in today’s … もっと読む


The Communs, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany

Study in Europe for Free is something tens of thousands of international students have achieved; you can too. Achieving a high-quality education helps you advance in your career and learning a new language while socializing with other students and new friends is an added bonus for any resume (CV). Studying abroad is a great experience … もっと読む


So you are researching for options to study abroad and you come across these University degree programs: Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate. A little confused? No worries, we will break it down for you. The following will guide you on the very specific differences between Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate programs. It has been statistically proven that … もっと読む
