Beneficiile programului IB, Beneficiile diplomei IB

As the global education landscape becomes increasingly competitive, more and more students are turning to the International Baccalaureate (IB) program to prepare for their future. With its rigorous academic curriculum, emphasis on critical thinking and creativity, and commitment to developing well-rounded individuals, the IB program offers a wealth of benefits to students who choose to … Citește mai mult

Cele mai bune școli internat din Dubai

Boarding schools in dubai Dubai is a city known for its luxurious lifestyle, and its many boarding schools are no exception. With the world’s most renowned universities and educational institutes offering classes, the city is home to some of the best boarding schools in the world. These schools provide a unique learning experience for students … Citește mai mult

Explorarea celor mai bune școli internat din Paris

Best boarding schools in paris If you’re considering sending your child to a boarding school in Paris, then you want to make sure you choose the best option. With so many top-notch schools in the city, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for your child. Luckily, this article will provide you … Citește mai mult

Cele mai bune școli internaționale din Germania

Germany is home to a wide variety of excellent international schools, providing excellent education and a multicultural atmosphere. From the big cities of Berlin and Munich to the small towns of the countryside, parents can choose from a range of top-quality international schools offering a variety of curricula. In this article, we will explore the … Citește mai mult

Cele mai bune școli internat din Japonia

Welcome to our article about the best boarding schools in Japan! We will take a look at the top schools in the country, to help you make an informed decision when it comes to finding the best educational experience for your child. We will discuss the different aspects of each school, including their curriculums, location, … Citește mai mult

Cele mai utile 10 limbi străine de învățat în 2022

Knowing many languages is practically required in today’s world. Companies are located all over the globe, and bilingual people are in high demand. However, not all languages are created equal; some will take you farther than others. Knowing the number of native speakers of a language is, unsurprisingly, crucial before committing to learning it. The … Citește mai mult

Studiu în Canada [Cele mai bune universități, prețuri și lucruri de știut]

Populație: 38,01 mil: 38,01 milioane Moneda: Dolarul canadian, Canada Dolarul canadian, C$ Studenți universitari: 1.4M Studenți internaționali: 530,540 Programe cu predare în limba engleză: 97 Studenții internaționali consideră Canada unul dintre cele mai ospitaliere locuri din lume. Șapte dintre universitățile țării, conform clasamentului Times Higher Education, se află în primele 200 din lume. (2020). Mai mult de 572 000 de studenți internaționali din ... Citește mai mult
