
任何留学项目都需要适应新的文化、新的学习和教学方法,而适应过程可能需要很长时间。某些学校,尤其是法国的学校,似乎在满足学生的需求方面做得很好,并为他们提供任何可能需要的帮助,吸引了越来越多的学生 ... 更多信息


According to the World Bank, increasing levels of investment in tertiary education should be a compelling argument for international students to study in Mainland China. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China surpassed its objective of spending 4 percent of GDP on education in 2012, and the number of colleges and universities has more … 更多信息

2022 年日本最适合留学生的 13 个实习岗位

Has it occurred to you to consider doing an internship in Japan? The country has piqued the interest of many individuals all over the globe for a variety of reasons, and each individual has a different reason for being so interested in it. The country of Japan has always attracted a diverse range of visitors, … 更多信息

西班牙最好的 20 所中学

With its rich history, food, art, and music, Spain is a desirable destination for expat families who wish to learn about and enjoy every part of the country’s 17 autonomous regions, contributing to its own cultural identity. Its friendly environment, vibrant culture, and laid-back way of life draw a significant number of international families to … 更多信息


When you consider that Madrid is not only the sunniest city globally, but it is also one of Europe’s wealthiest capitals, it should come as no surprise that it draws a large number of visitors from all over the world. Foreigners and students from nations around the globe, including the United States and Canada. They … 更多信息


The United Kingdom, with its prehistoric Stonehenge and some of the world’s most prominent universities, offers an ideal blend of education, work, and adventure for ambitious international students. Studying in the United Kingdom, a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, offers students the opportunity to see the country closely. International students flock to … 更多信息

留学苏格兰,您需要知道的一切(2022 年更新)


Population: 5.454 million Currency: Pound (£) University Students: 307,215 International Students: 50,000 English-taught Programs: 182 Scotland, a country with a mild climate, is home to a cosmopolitan population. Studying abroad in this part of the country is a great way to meet new people, go shopping, have a good time, and see what the country has … 更多信息

10 个最适合留学生的西班牙语沉浸式课程

It may sound intimidating to go right into learning Spanish by surrounding yourself with native speakers. Still, anybody who has learned a second language knows that complete immersion is the most effective method to learn it. Immersion programs in Spanish are fantastic because you are constantly exposed to the language. Immersion programs in Spanish are … 更多信息


Population: 83.24 million Currency: Euro (EUR) University Students: 2.7 million International Students: 400,000 English-taught Programs: 116 For students from the United States, Germany is an ideal location to attend college. In addition to providing a world-class education, it will give you the opportunity to travel across Europe. In Germany, there are currently 380,000 international students, including … 更多信息


The decision to study abroad in Barcelona is one of the best you’ll ever make. Every turn of the streets in this vast city is a chance to discover something new and exciting. You’ll be delighted you chose to study abroad in Barcelona, where you’ll be able to enjoy breath-taking ocean views, mind-boggling architecture, and … 更多信息
