
Library of the University of Graz in Austria

Europe offers unparalleled diversity in culture. The sheer number of countries and their long histories make travel across the region very rewarding, especially for students, but it also poses a significant problem. With so many different universities and educational systems, how do you compare studies completed in different regions? This is why the European Credit … 更多信息



出国留学为学生提供了许多优势,无论他们对哪个领域感兴趣。除了有望获得世界上一些最负盛名的高等教育机构颁发的学历证书外,还有机会体验不同的文化,并开始建立一个国际人际关系网,这在当今的社会中可能是无价之宝。 更多信息


The Communs, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany

Study in Europe for Free is something tens of thousands of international students have achieved; you can too. Achieving a high-quality education helps you advance in your career and learning a new language while socializing with other students and new friends is an added bonus for any resume (CV). Studying abroad is a great experience … 更多信息
