学习语言的最佳方法:24 个小窍门

Learning a new language may be difficult, unpleasant, and even frustrating at times, but it doesn’t have to be. And it is figuring out the most efficient way to learn a new language? That seems to be very unlikely. Some languages are more challenging to learn than others, and there is a wide variety of studies, theories, and learning methods accessible. Despite the challenges, multilingualism is quickly gaining popularity worldwide, and bilingualism is becoming a more sought-after résumé addition as a consequence of this trend.

However, learning a language, especially when beginning from scratch, seems to be everything from simple: You’ll need to learn a new grammatical style, remember vocabulary phrases, and practice public speaking to succeed.

On the other hand, learning a new language does not have to be a time-consuming or unpleasant endeavor. Although nothing can substitute for the time and work necessary, learning a new foreign language rapidly is achievable if you use the right approach and put your heart and soul into it.

Linguists and others who study the science of language have spent decades studying how individuals learn to speak various languages. And, although they don’t have all the answers yet, they’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t along the way.

You may believe that learning a foreign language is an impossible task. Still, language experts say that basic communication skills can be acquired in weeks, and the principles of a foreign language may be mastered in a few months. While you may not be able to rapidly attain the level of fluency required to read great works of foreign literature, you will be able to master specific phrases and technical jargon that will be valuable whether you work for a diplomatic service or a large multinational organization.

Many elements play a role in learning a new language, which is time and practice. However, the effort you put in will pay off in the end: There is a correlation between multilingualism and IQ, as well as more excellent problem-solving abilities, according to the study.

Top 24 Tips for Learning Languages are

  1. Download a chat app, the first of our tips for learning languages.

According to everyone we spoke with, traditional online learning programs are the most successful alternative for beginning language learners who wish to study and practice fundamental vocabulary and grammar. Languages such as Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, French, and others are available. The application has a built-in flashcard function, and language teachers create the curriculum. It’s a good idea to have at least one app that teaches you the language structure and one that you like using for vocab. After that, you may choose one that enables you to practice in the way that works best for you.

  1. Find a learning partner.

Making friends with people who already speak the language has the benefit of enabling you to practice without feeling self-conscious or rushed. To thank your language partner for their time, you may offer to exchange one hour of practice in the language you desire to learn for an hour, of course, speaking English in return. Alternatively, you could offer to pay your language partner for their time.

  1. Go to exchange coffee shops.

If your city has a community of people who speak the language you want to learn, start attending activities. You can make friends at an exchange coffee shop and learn a lesson or two. Friendship is one of the most effective ways to learn a foreign language and the most efficient way to absorb slang, accents, and mannerisms. Converse with your friends in local cafés, bars, and restaurants to set the framework for the language you want to know.

  1. Know the culture.

It needs more than merely reading words on a page to grasp a language. Understanding the culture and history of these phrases is critical. Understanding a country’s or culture’s history, current events, religious beliefs, and customary practices may help you know a lot of what people say and do. According to studies, children learn to read in a second language better when they understand the culture and context of the materials they read. Accept it as a waste of time if it requires reading and watching films in your language. It will be very advantageous to you, and it may even save you from making embarrassing and maybe insulting mistakes.

  1. Watch series and movies, one of the essential language learning tips.

For those who want to take advantage of one of the best ways to learn a language from the comfort of their own home, put on a foreign movie in another language – without subtitles if you can! This is not only one of the most effective ways to learn a foreign language, but it also allows you to have a more excellent grasp of that language’s culture. If you don’t know enough language to turn off the subtitles, keep a list of new vocabulary phrases you hear and what you think they mean. Look them up afterward. It’s no secret that looking up words is a lot of fun. As a side note, if you’re ready and want to “level up” your language abilities, go to the movies and see a foreign film in a public setting.

  1. Read books.

To strengthen our capacity to build expectations about word pairs, we need to feed our brains with buckets of natural stuff. Consequently, we may create a mental image of the kind of words that often appear together. Reading is a fantastic way to do this. There’s also a lot of evidence that reading helps you expand your vocabulary. Use only materials that are suitable for your level of expertise. If the fraction of unfamiliar terminology is too large, it may be challenging to figure out what they mean from the context. It’s also inconvenient to search up a phrase every two minutes.

  1. Listen to music.

Try listening to music on the radio in your target language in the vehicle, via a podcast, or online, similar to seeing a foreign film. Try to see how much you can comprehend, and make a list of terms you recognize but don’t understand so you can look them up. Listening to the news in a foreign language is a fantastic and intensive approach to quickly picking up new vocabulary and conversational techniques.

  1. Read newspapers or blogs in another language.

You can avoid becoming confused by too much region-specific lingo if you start and haven’t chosen a regional accent to learn. While most news is standardized to some extent, learners may focus on regional language by picking sources from particular areas.

  1. Be curious.

A newbie may find it intimidating to communicate in the target language throughout the day, but it is not as complicated as it looks. When it comes to incorporating the language into your everyday routine, there are many easy and even pleasant options to consider. First, take advantage of any opportunities to expand your vocabulary. You may study your flashcards while riding the train or bus or waiting for a buddy to pick you up.

  1. Change the language of your mobile.

Additionally, changing the language settings on your phone or watching television shows in the target language will help you get a more immersive experience. Aside from that, you’ll want to acquire as much speaking and writing practice as possible. You may create an immersive environment in your own house, and it just requires a tiny amount of time and effort. You may, for example, utilize social media to immerse yourself at home altogether. You may also find groups to engage in conversation with on social media.

  1. Speak alone at home.

You may practice speaking anytime you want when you chat to yourself. You have complete freedom to begin speaking openly on any topic. If doing so in public feels weird, find a quiet place where no one can hear you and start talking to yourself. Start by training your lips to make the sounds of the language you wish to learn if you’re a complete beginner. You don’t have to sound exactly like a native speaker, but understanding how each letter says is necessary for being heard and avoiding embarrassing sound-related mistakes.

  1. Buy a book with solutions.

As you read more articles, you may find it helpful to scribble down new words to start expanding your vocabulary and trying to discern a word’s meaning via context. This project may be challenging for beginners or elementary pupils, but keep in mind that skimming is an excellent way to pass the time. You can use books and dictionaries to make your life easier.

  1. Buy unique books for Spanish speakers.

It is generally agreed that phrase books and online lessons can be highly beneficial because they can equip you with the vocabulary and confidence necessary for engaging in simple conversational exchanges with native speakers, which is the most critical first step in learning a language, according to experts.

  1. Download mobile apps.

The best language learning apps can help you get started if you’re studying a language on your own at home. Coeffee.com and My Language Exchange are two websites that may link you with native speakers of the language you want to study. Even if you don’t see them in person, chatting online provides you with real-life language practice. It all relies on the language you’re learning, your goals, and the learning technique you’ve selected. It’s a good idea to have at least one app that teaches you the language structure and one that you like using for vocab. After that, you may choose one that enables you to practice in the way that works best for you.

  1. Also, download games to learn.

Games may help us practice language skills even when we’re weary because they tap into our innate competitiveness. You may also concentrate your study on topics that interest you, such as a favorite pastime. If you like sewing, learn sewing vocabulary in your target language, view instructional sewing videos, and communicate with tailors who speak your target language.

  1. Travel is one of the tips to learn languages to enjoy.

If your city has a community of people who speak the language you want to learn, start attending activities. Friendship is one of the most effective ways to learn a foreign language and the most efficient way to absorb slang, accents, and mannerisms. Converse with your friends in local cafés, bars, and restaurants to set the framework for the language you want to know. It is occasionally essential to travel throughout the globe for work, which necessitates the development of skills for communicating effectively in a range of languages.

  1. Don’t think in English

Visualize the new word you’re learning, as well as the picture it represents, and say it out loud. This helps to link thoughts and may help with memory. Because you don’t have enough vocabulary to build complex sentences, it might be challenging to practice words in context when learning a new language. To get around this, use the word in your language. Your brain learns better when you engage in physical activities while studying. By pointing, you may take advantage of this.

  1. Paste post-its to improve your weak points.

It’s one of the most basic and effective ways to memorize many words quickly. The idea behind it is simple: Stick comments on sticky notes in locations where your eyes are likely to be drawn, such as the office, the restroom, next to your coffee maker, and so on.

  1. Use the post-its also to learn vocabulary.

It’s a good idea to have the post-its and pen nearby while you’re learning so you can jot down any new terms you come across. Many language learners find that maintaining some form of record, such as a language diary, helps them study more effectively.

  1. Follow mnemonic rules.

The mnemonics method involves associating words in the target language to similar-sounding phrases and images in your tongue. These methods may aid you in striking a balance between learning new things and reviewing what you currently know.

  1. Watch lessons on YouTube.

Every day, people worldwide use YouTube to master new skills from the comfort of their own homes. It’s a fantastic platform for creating, sharing, and learning practically any skill you can think of for free! It’s also straightforward to get there; all you need is a good internet connection. This is why it’s such a useful language-learning platform: you can watch or virtually sit-in’ on lessons at any time, and you can pause, stop, and rewind videos as many times as you like.

  1. Follow YouTubers.

New videos are uploaded every week to help people learn about the alphabet, phonics, animals, food, colors, activities, transportation, vocations, and other subjects. Using a variety of youtube channels may help you learn more quickly, so try including at least one video into your language study regimen every day, and you’ll see a change in your language in no time.

  1. Set realistic goals, one of the tips for learning languages.

It’s helpful to have a long-term goal in mind—something you want to achieve in the future. On the other hand, long-term goals are too scary to motivate you every day. Define weekly or monthly goals after breaking down your overarching goal into smaller portions. The most successful goals are those that drive you to push yourself. They may, however, hinder you if they’re too threatening. Setting goals with a wide range of outcomes is a great way to get around this. Making a list of goals might help you stay on track. Post your goals someplace visible, such as your bathroom mirror or the home screen of your smartphone.

  1. Find your moment of concentration.

Learning a language is a time-consuming and challenging task that demands dedication, tenacity, and determination. You may not realize it, but some strategies may help you study more effectively and efficiently, enabling you to make the most of your time and energy. Learning a new language entails listening, speaking, reading, writing, and learning a new alphabet and writing system. If you focus only on one activity, the others will suffer as a result.


Is there a fast way to learn a language?

Small, focused stages of research are the key to this one, and despite its obviousness, it remains one of the most effective ways to learn a new language. Take a few minutes each day to write down a phrase in your target language that you’d want to be able to say. Look up each word/section and try to piece together the statement independently. Have your language partner double-check your sentences when you meet together. This is a fantastic method for exercising self-control.

What’s the most accessible language to learn?

Fortunately for pupils, most Spanish words are spelled precisely as they are spoken–easy pronunciation means easy writing and speaking. Spanish has fewer grammatical inconsistencies than other romance languages, making it the most accessible language to learn for English speakers.

Can a language be self-taught?

Self-learning a foreign language is entirely possible with the right resources. Consider learning as a journey rather than a destination. Prepare to be pleased when you can laugh and communicate with someone who speaks the language well.

How many hours a day should you study a new language?

A daily plan of 30 minutes of active study and 1 hour of language exposure will provide excellent results for most individuals. It’s a methodology for achieving fluency that can be sustained throughout time. However, it all relies on your objectives and expectations. Give it a go and adjust your timetable to fit your requirements.
